Rules And Regulations
1. The General Assembly is the most important part of the school day. Every student should be present at it to begin the day with prayer to God, and listen to the important announcements.
2. All students are required to be punctual and regular, once the pupil is inside school campus he/she is not allowed to leave school till it gets over.
3. They should be friendly, courteous and cooprative towards other students of the school, treating everyone with respect and concluding themselves in a dignified manner.
4. All students must come to school in time, neatly dressed with lessons well prepared and home work done. Text and exercise books and material for drawing should be brought to school according to the day's routine.
5. Students should keep their classroom and the school compound spotlessly clean using the bins provided for waste paper and rubbish.
6. Students can always approach the principal individually for any reasonable or sympathetic consideration but not collectively.
7. As far as possible, cleanliness, silence, politeness, honesty, attention to work and respect to teachers and companions are concerned, the school should be looked upon as a place of reverence and discipline.
8. Absolute silence must be maintained at all places during the teaching hours and parents are requested not to reach the academic block during the class time.
9. Respect for one's property as well as for that of the school and for the things belonging to others is a mark of a well bred and responsible student. Furniture, teaching aids and charts should be kept in their respective places after use. Any kind of damage done in the school premises must be made good.