
Mini Bypass Road, Karamchari Nagar, Bareilly Pincode-243122 (U.P.)

Examination & Promotion Rules

Examination & Promotion Rules

1- Pass marks in each subject is 40%.

2- On examination days no students is allowed to enter the examination hall or classroom before the general assembly.

3- No leave other then medical leave, is normally sanctioned during examination period provide a medical certificate from such medical authority as will satisfy the principal is submitted on the day the student is absent so that appropriate entries may be made in the school records.

4- Any other leave applied for and taken during the examination will be at the risk of the parents and will not be taken into consideration in determining promotion.

5- In any case a medical certificate is not a guarantee for granting promotion. If a student falls sick for a part of the whole examination he should have the required pass marks form the other examinations held during the year.

6- The evolution and assessment process of the school is based on the guideline of the council (CISCE) which is upgraded time to time.

7- Examination will not be anticipated for individual students. Examination missed will not be conducted again on any account.

8- Promotion refused will not be considered. All cases of doubt regarding promotion are left entirely to the discretion of the principal must not come for reconsideration for promotion. In no case shall a student be promoted on trial.

9- Parents/Guardians must sign the report card when it is sent to them and return it within 3 days.

10- The college/School does not undertake to retain answer scripts for more then one week after distributing the report cards.

11- A student failing for two successive year will have to be withdrawn.

12- Promotion to the next class is based on the annual aggregate that takes the whole year’s performance through tests and examinations.