
Mini Bypass Road, Karamchari Nagar, Bareilly Pincode-243122 (U.P.)


School Library

All classes from I onwards are allotted one library period in a week. For classes I and II, students are either taken to the Library or the Class Teacher reads out a story book/ shows a story through a CD on computer in the classroom.

From class III onwards, each student is issued a Library Card, against which each student can borrow a Library Book for a maximum period of 7 days, extended by another week.

All students must observe the following Library rules.

1. They must maintain complete silence in the library.

2. Student must return the Library book by the due date. Failure to do so will be liable to pay for it.

3. Reference Books will be issued only during school hours for use in the Library only.

4. Students are not allowed to bring their personal books/belongings to the library.

5. any student found damaging, disfiguring, defacing or tearing pages of the Library boom will not only have to pay the cost of the book, but, will also be debarred from using the Library for the whole session.

6. The Library has an 'open access' system. The children can select their own books (consulting the Librarian) from the shelves. They must, however, put the books on the same shelf after reading/selecting the books.

7. If lost or misplaced, a duplicate Library card may be issued to the student on payment of Rs. 20/.

Computer Lab

The school has a state-of-the-art Computer Lab for the students of the different wings with the best of hardware and software available and high-speed internet.


Physics laboratory is a place where experiments of Physics are carried out. As we know physics is that branch of science where experimentation is an integral part of the core subject. Physics is an experimental science.

a place equipped for experimental study in a science or for testing and analysis. a research laboratory. broadly : a place providing opportunity for experimentation, observation, or practice in a field of study.

Music & Dance

Dance music is music composed specifically to facilitate or accompany dancing. It can be either a whole piece or part of a larger musical arrangement. In terms of performance, the major categories are live dance music and recorded dance music.

Activity Room

The activity rooms are designed to make learning more fun and exciting. It has Toys and Educational Games, where students can learn through play, in a different environment. All games are conducted as a part of the planned educational programme.


The school provides transport facility to its students as per the existing routes. Please note that it is not possible to cater to individual requirements at the cost of time and distance. Also note that:

1. Students should refrain from taking any part of the body (head, arms, hand etc) out of the windows for their own safety.

2. They should not throw any paper, fruit peels or any other article out of the moving bus/Van/magic.

3. They should not move about, play or do any mischief in the school bus/magic. Unruly and undisciplined behavior in the bus/ van/ magic will lead to debarring of the student from availing himself of this facility.

4. International vandalism such as defacing the interior of the Bus/ Van/ magic, breaking of window panes, teasing or cutting of seat covers or any other offence will result in a heavy penalty and expulsion from this facility.

5. In case of withdrawal of Bus / Van /magic facility, one month's notice must be given to the school authority in advance, failing which one month Bus/ Van/ Magic fee will be changed in lieu of the same.

6. Conveyance charge can be raised in the mid session due to rise in fuel price.