
Mini Bypass Road, Karamchari Nagar, Bareilly Pincode-243122 (U.P.)

General Guidelines To Parents

General Guidelines To Parents

The school believes in discipline and firmness. Any breach of conduct or any action likely to tarnish the image of the school will be viewed seriously. The school reserves the right to suspend/expel students whose conduct is bad influence on other students. Inculcation of discipline is the most significant aspect of education and is not confined to the school alone. Parents too, share a great deal of responsibility in the process.

1- Parents must read the contents of the dairy to get familiar with school system and functioning.

2- They must ensure that the student brings the diary to school everyday. It can be used by both parents and teachers to convey any information.

3- The student’s profile form in the diary should be filled in correctly, promptly and completely. Parents must also enter their signatures in the profile form.

4- Any charge in the address or telephone No. must be intimated to school office promptly.

5- Parents must see that their child adheres to the school uniform strictly and wears his or her identity card to school everyday. The I. card must have correct information about the child.

6- A record of worksheets and circulars must be maintained at home.

7- Leave record pages must be duly filled in if the child does not attend the school for any reason. Students with less then 75% attendance will not be allowed to sit for the final assessment.

8- Parents must take in interest in their child’s work and monitor his/her progress by attending parents teachers meeting regularly. They should remain in touch with the teachers even if the is no apparent problem.

9- Parents must also keep a track of their ward’s performance in class tests, unit test, Projects and assignment etc.

10- Answer sheets and assessment record must be signed by the parents.

11- Assessment record must be returned within three days of its receipt.

12- Parents, Guardians are not permitted to enter classroom to meet there wards or seek unscheduled interaction/meeting with teachers during school hours.

13- Incase of an emergency, parents/guardian may meet the principal / academic head and adopt a course in consultation with them.

14- No strangers/relatives are allowed to meet the children.

15- Any communication that parents wish to make with the school may be address only to the principal.

16- Parents and guardians must kwon that no school teacher is allowed to take private tuitions. Therefore parents should not force the teacher of the school to take tuitions for their wards.

17- Students should not bring any valuable to school. School will not be held responsible for the loss of the personal belongings.

18- In order to acquire fluency and competency in spoken English, All students must converse in English while in school. Parents are also expected to help students to improve their conversational skills and provide a conducive environment at home.

19- Use of foul, abusive and un-parliamentary language is a punishable offence. Parents must check the students if they pick up this habit.

20- Criticism of a teacher of the school in presence of a child must be scrupulously avoided as it cause students to lose respect for their teacher with the consequent failure to lean from her/him thus retarding the child’s progress.

21- If parents have been advised to meet the principal /academic head for any reason, they must do so promptly, failing which the child will not be permitted to attend further classes.

22- Parents must read the circulars carefully and consult the school calendar before making any enquiries on the telephone.

23- Ensure that hair and nails of your wards are clean and trimmed properly. Hair should be kept of lice and nits. Mushroom-cut and other designer hair style are not permitted. A simple crew cut/boy cut for boys is recommended. Girls with long hair tie their hair properly in two plaits preferably. Hair band of recommended colour to be worn by girls wit short hair.

24- See the your ward carries books exercise book etc. according to the timetable to avoid heavy bags.

25- Encourage your ward to take balanced interest in studies and co-curricular activities.

26- Do not send children to school if they are suffering from any infection, disease like flu, chicken-pox, measles, conjunctivitis etc as they need to be quarantined till the infection is over.

27- We expect parents to get their wards immunized as per the schedule advised by their family doctor.

28- Students are not permitted to carry I-pods, camera, cell Phones or any other electronic device to school.

29- Carrying of addictives / intoxicants / harmful chemicals etc. will invade strict action from school ranging from suspension to expulsion.

30- Parents and guardians are expected to read and explain the school rules to their wards.