
Mini Bypass Road, Karamchari Nagar, Bareilly Pincode-243122 (U.P.)

Duties & Expectaions


Students of G.K.C.M.S. should out as smart, confident, disciplined, cultured and well-spoken individuals. The school expects the students to imbibe discipline as a second nature. The school follows certain norms rather rigidly in the best interest of learners.

These Are :

1- Students are expected to take proper care of the school properly. They should not mishandle, damage or beak expensive electronic items like the smart boards/computer/LCD installed in the classrooms or any item of furniture or electrical fillings, otherwise the students will have pay the full cost of the concerned item, along with heavy fine.

2- Students should not write scratch or engrave graffiti on desks, chairs and other surfaces. Those indulging in such nefarious activities are liable to strict disciplinary action.

3- While moving in the corridors, or using the staircase, students should walk in a line keep to their left. In order to ensure the safety of self and others, students must desist from playing/running in corridors and on staircases, changing of classrooms between periods should be done in silence and an orderly manner.

4- Loitering in the school for all students shall area is strictly forbidden.

5- It is compulsory for all students shall stay back in the class during assembly without prior permission from class teacher/principal/vice principal.

6- Coming late to the class especially after lunch-break, games period or any activity period is not permitted and may invite punitive action.

7- Use of abusive and foul language in school will lead to the suspension of the students.

8- Students of G.K.C.M.S. must show respect and love to younger students.

9- They should learn to take care of their belongings themselves. School shall not be responsible for any losses.

10- Students are not allowed to bring any sharp instruments like blades, knives etc. to school.

11- No other literature, other then the school books or library books may be brought to school.

12- Bursting crackers or splashing colours during Diwali/Holi in the school premises is strictly prohibited. Non-compliance of these instruction can lead to expulsion from the school.

13- Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence from school, habitual late coming, disobedience, showing disrespect to teachers and any other type of unruly and objectionable behavior are considered grave act of indiscipline, which can lead to expulsion from the school.

14- Students must maintain the clean, green and beautiful surrounding of school campus and not deface it with toffee wrapper, disposable tumblers, polybacks etc.

15- They should not pluck flowers or uproot plants from the lawns.