
Mini Bypass Road, Karamchari Nagar, Bareilly Pincode-243122 (U.P.)

Attendance, Leave & Absence

Attendance, Leave & Absence

1- A minimum attendance of 75% of the working days is required for promotion. Students should come in time for the general assembly. Late comers are liable to be sent home.

2- No student should leave the school premises during the school hours without the written permission of the principal which is granted on the written request of the parents.

3- No leave of absence for the whole day or a part there of is granted except for serious reasons and only on the previous written application of the parents or guardians.

4- A student who is irregular in classroom due to feasts, marriage celebration, trips, visits, to relation and places and frequent late comers will be asked to discontinue.

5- Except for duly approved reasons extension of vacation is not permitted. Student who extend their holidays for more then 7 days after vacation without sanction will have their names struck off the rolls and vacancies, if any , will be filled from fresh applications.

6- Application for medical leave for more then 3 days should be accompanied by a medical certificate by a doctor who is M.B.B.S. if this leave continues for more then seven days, the Principal must be contacted.

7- All leave applications should bear the signature of the parent or in their absence the guardian. Failure to bring such an application for leave, make the students liable to be sent home.

8- A student absent from the class continuously for 10 days or more then without the leave sanctioned by the principal may have his/her name struck off the rolls without any notice. If re-admitted he/she will have to pay full admission fee and other full fees for the period of such absence.