School Fee : Mode Of Payment
1. Fee for the academic year can be paid on monthly basis. The first payment of fees will be made along with yearly charges and admission fee if new admission.
2. All fee are payable by 10" of the paying month.
3. Alate fee of Rs. 100/-will be levied after the last working day of the month if the dues are not cleared; no request will be entertained regarding the fee exemption.
4. If fee is not paid by the end of the paying month, the name of the child will be struck off the school rolls. The child may be readmitted only on payment of all arrears and fresh admission fee
5. Fee must be paid directly in the school account section in cash or by cheque. All writing on the cheque should be legible and free from any over writing or deletions.
6. Fee book is an important document which must be kept safely by the parents. Incase of loss a duplicate fee book will be issued from the account section o payment of Rs 100/only
7. Incase of a withdrawal of a student one month's notice is to be given to the school office, failing which one month's tuition fee will be charged in lieu of the same.
8. Parents must take the receipt of any amount paid to the school.