
Mini Bypass Road, Karamchari Nagar, Bareilly Pincode-243122 (U.P.)

Absence From School

Absence From School

1- Attendance is compulsory on the first and last working day of the everyday of every term.

2- Students who have been sick should bring a medical certificate from the doctor on joining school.

3- Parents should fill up the “Record for Non attendance” for each day the student is absent from school stating reasons for absence.

4- Leave for going out station should be approved by the principal prior to proceeding of leave.

5- In case of an emergency, parents will be informed and they will have to report to the principal. They are not to go to the classes directly.

6- Students suffering from following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before retuning to class.

  • Chicken – Pox : Till the complete falling of the scabs.
  • Cholera : Till the child is completely well.
  • Measles : Two weeks after the rash disappears.
  • Mumps : Until the swelling has gone. (one month).
  • Jaundice : Six week after recovery.
  • COVID-19-After getting a negative report and 14 days quarantine